Sunday, November 3, 2013

Shop Alert: Every Day is

I've been sitting on this one for awhile (they launched in March, this blog launched in March). In fact, all of the items I originally picked to showcase are no longer available. So I had to spend all day going through their new winter items and pick new faves. Ugh, life is so hard.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sup, Internet?

            Remember when I got a job? That has been happening for the last three months. Sorry blog. And for the most part I am gainfully employed beyond my wildest dreams with wonderful people at a wonderful place, except that, well, I haven't been posting here. And (confession) I don't exactly have a photo cache full of things I wanted to buy. But I do have an apartment full of things I did buy...Oops?

Here's a collage of everything you've missed. The details (and my bank statements) aren't important...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Movin' On Up

We've all made a move in the last three months, and we're all finally (mostly) settled in. Now for the fun part. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

14 Things I Didn't Buy at Downtown Disney

Generally speaking, I'm not a Disney fan. Especially Disney branded merchandise. Earlier this week my boss offered my a Minnie Mouse fashion tee and I swiftly rejected it. Standing/walking/driving/riding on Disney property makes me nervous. 

I know Big Brother is watching. 

But sometimes you just have to give in to a good shopping opportunity.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

If It Makes You Happy

Sister 2 especially requested a post featuring all of those things that make us Sisters happy and cheerful. You're not ready for this jelly.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Needlepoint Loafer: By Paige

I love it when people do totally wacky things. Like make their living by selling handmade needlepoint shoes. Can I be you, Paige? I wanna be you!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Coach: The Leather I Could Smell Forever***

Since this blog was founded in the name of "I'm moving to a relatively expensive city without a job, oh s***," I thought that there was no better way to debut my newfound employment (whence I get to said city) than through a doting post.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

If you haven't found it already: Garden Jewelry, Target

Pardon while I turn myself into a metal garden avec Target's latest fashion jewelry line...

Insect-inspired jewelry is nothing new, but to find it as striking as some of the new pieces for Target are while maintaing a cost under $20 bucks, BAM - Game. Changer.

I put all of these pieces up to my face in the mirror then dutifully put them back on their hooks. Le sigh.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Inevitable (and most likely first of many) Nasty Gal Online

Nasty Gal. 

I don't have a clue how they keep the inventory they must, but more power to them! Always good for trendy and often down-right silly items that will make your parents and neighbors wonder

"does that girl solicit part-time or does she just have a wicked sense of humor about herself and her style?"

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sloan's Village Center, Loudon, TN

I was fortunate to spend my Memorial Day weekend in one of my favorite places, Tellico Village, TN. Visiting family and prepping the boat for the summer season would not have been complete without a trip to the Village's hardware store, which oft acts as a sort of general store - they even have a lunch counter!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I'm A Bad Girl

Since the mission of this blog is supposed to keep me from buying the 'I wants,' I feel as though it would be dishonest not to tell when I cheat. But I promise to cheat only with amazing justification.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Brighton Collectibles: My Flat In London is 'Pretty, Witty and Wise'

Everything is perfect. I repeat, everything is perfect. Call in reinforcements, Commander! We're not gonna make it!

This is what greets you on the homepage. R U kidding me? I like anything that compliments me before I even have to scroll. In love.

While doing research on Brighton Collectibles, a brand I have been fairly familiar with for the last decade or so due to a potentially Brighton-obsessed aunt, I stumbled upon My Flat In London, Brighton's recent brand extension.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Something We Can All Appreciate

Every now and then, as you are pirouetting down the aisles of Sam's Club beside your father while he shops for Coffee Mess supplies (just me?), one happens upon an item that one feels will resonate with all Sisters (and most of suburban America).

Red Lobster (as the Sister #2 would say, Red Mobster) Cheddar Bay Biscuit Mix*

*I did not purchase this, true to my commitment, but my father did without encouragement or hesitation.

Summer Sandals: Discounted Online Edition

A few nights ago, I was having a real hard time sticking to my commitment. I was on the phone with my boyfriend begging him to stop me from checking out on with a pair of sweet sandals that were only $20 with all of my combined discounts (here)! Fortunately, we got through it and I thought, DUH - this is exactly the situation for which I made Three Things for Three Sisters!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Animals, Right?

Without noticing, today's Three Things all share something in common - they are animals (sort of)!

Our mother is a veterinarian, so the love of animals runs deep in all of us, though it manifests itself in all of us a little differently:

I was obsessed with spiders as a child, though too terrified to actually care for one as a pet. Now I just want a pomeranian.

Sister 2 loves all things big and small and has been a dolphin trainer, gator researcher, zoo keeper, and now dolphin trainer again.

Sister 1 has a passion for mythology and fantasy - and that includes the fascinating creatures inhabiting those stories! And dinosaurs. She likes dinosaurs.

The Origin Story

I have two older sisters: Sister 1 (oldest) and Sister 2 (middle). I am Sister 3.

I love to shop. I majored in Retail in college (yeah, that's a thing).

I spend a lot of money. Every day.

I'm moving to Chicago. Without a job. I need to spend less money. Every day.

Buying things for yourself is exciting and fun, but buying things for others is twice as nice!

I love to gift those that I love, you could say it is one of my 'love languages' if you're into labels and sh*t (RIP Justin Bobby). So when I come across something I love for someone close to me, it is just as hard for me to put it back on the shelf (or rack, or take it out of my online shopping cart) as it is for me to say no to something I love for me.

I also like to collect things. Like, data. Information. Shoes. Dresses. Teapots.

To help curb my spending, but satisfy the collector in me (I'm also a great finder, go Huff-Puffs!), I will document all of the great and wonderful things I would buy for myself and my two favorite gift recipients, Sisters 1 & 2.

Pretty accurate representation of us source